Friday, February 17, 2012

Lecture 17 Summary and Notes

Some questions from today's lecture...

1. What important announcements regarding the KXL pipeline were contained in their recent earnings report (released on Tuesday, February 14th)?

2. What were the findings of the 2008 CARA report from the USGS? How was the appraisal conducted? What are the differences between discovered and undiscovered resources? Are these resources of reserves? Where are the big oil discoveries (or undiscoveries?) expected?

3. How have the findings of reports like the CARA affected Greenland?

4. Offshore petroleum exploration and drilling is more expensive than inshore but it expected to be a major (and growing) component of US and world petroleum production in the near future. What are the geologic limitations of off shore drilling (ei why can't you drill in the middle of the ocean and expect to get oil or natural gas)?

5. How have the laws regarding "who owns the sea" changed historically in response to humanity's ability to (and desire to) exploit off shore petroleum reserves?

6. What two environmental disasters in 1969 helped the reorganization and expansion of what would become the Clean Water Act and turned many Americans against off shore oil production? What role did the rate of domestic production in the late 1960s/early 1970s play in this anti-offshore sentiment? What are the current restrictions on offshore exploration and productions in the USA? How are these restrictions expected to change in the near future?

Slides from lecture today are on Sakai. I will begin grading your exams soon and send out an email when they ready. For break, remember to 1. read your book group book and 2. do your Feb Break homework assignment. Have a great break.

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